Lots purchased at the Mendham Collection sales in June 2013 and March 2014
S = Sotheby’s 2013; B = Bloomsbury 2014
John Rylands University Library, Manchester
S Lot 61: Fontanus, Jacobus, De Bello Rhodio. Hagenau: Joannes Secer, August 1527.
S Lot 69: Guido de Monte Rochen, Manipulus curatorum. Rouen: Martin Morin, 12 August 1495. H 8210, ISTC ig00605500, GW 11769.
Cambridge University Library
S Lot 5: Andreas de Escobar, Modus confitendi, Zwolle, 1480-81. ISTC ia00661600, GW 0181920N
S Lot 63: Wessel Gansfort, De Sacramento Eucharistiae. et audienda Missa. [Zwolle: Simon Corver, 1521].
B Lot 71: Epistolae Pauli et aliorum apostolorum ad Græcam veritatem castigat[a]e, & per Reuerendissimum dominum Thomam de Vio, Caietanum, Cardinalem sancti Xisti, iuxta sensum literalem enarratæ. Paris: J.Kerver, 1536.
British Library, London
S Lot 36: Book of Hours, Use of Sarum. Ms on vellum, mid-15c.
S Lot 39: Book of Hours, Use of Sarum. London, John King for John Walley,1555.
S Lot 64: Gardiner, Stephen, and John Ponet, A traictise declaryng and plainly prouyng, that the pretensed marriage of priestes, and professed persones, is no mariage, but altogether vnlawful. London: Robert Caly, 1554.
See: http://britishlibrary.typepad.co.uk/digitisedmanuscripts/2014/03/two-magnificent-manuscripts-saved-for-the-nation.html
S Lot 93: Martinus Magistri, Tractatus Consequentiarum & Joannes De Sacro Bosco, Sphera. Paris: Félix Baligault, 20 August 1494. HC 10459; GW M19854.
S Lot 134: Sixtus IV, Bulla Extensionis Indulgentiarum. [Rome: Georg Lauer, after 1 September 1480]. H 14803, ISTC is00552600, GW M42486.
Beinecke Library, Yale University
S Lot 3: Alexander VI, Regulae Cancellariae, [Lyon: ?Jean de Vingle, Not before 27 August 1492]. ISTC ia00376680, GW 909.
S Lot 4: Alexander VI, Regulae Cancellariae. Rome: Eucharius Silber, [Not before 7 May] 1499. H 637, ISTC ia00380600, GW 927.
S Lot 75: Hugh of St Victor, Didascalion; De Institutione Novitiorum, MS on vellum, late 14c.
S Lot 77: Index Librorum Prohibitorum. Louvain, Antwerp, Paris, Strasbourg, Venice, Bologna, Rome, Cologne, Vienna, Lisbon, Madrid and elsewhere: 1546-1844. 85 volumes, various sizes and bindings
S Lot 79: Innocent VIII, Regulae Cancellariae Apostolicae. Paris: André Bocard, 2 March 1499. HC 9230*, ISTC ii00154000, GW M12442.
S Lot 80: Innocent VIII, Regulae Cancellariae Apostolicae cum glosa. Paris: Pierre Levet, Raoul Cousturier and Jean Hardouin, for Jean Richard, 7 February 1499/1500. H 638, ISTC ii00154200, GW 926.
S Lot 97: [Mirabilia Romae]. Indulgentiae Ecclesiarum Principalium Alme Urbis Romae. [Rome: Adam Rot, c. 1471-1474]. ISTC ii00068300, GW M12030.
S Lot 98: [Mirabilia Romae]. Pseudo-Aegidius Romanus, Oratio de Sancta Veronica, [Rome: Stephan Plannck, c. 1481-1487]. ISTC ii00068900, GW M1204110
S Lot 99: [Mirabilia Romae]. Mirabilia Romane Urbis. Murus Urbis Habet Trecentas Sexaginta Et Unam Turres, [Rome: Eucharius Silber, c. 1485]. Unrecorded, now GW M2352750.
S Lot 100: [Mirabilia Romae]. In isto opusculo dicitur quomodo Romulus et Remus nati sunt et educati… (Rome: Johann Besicken, 15 October 1504).
S Lot 118: Hieronymus Paulus, Practica Cancellariae Apostolicae [preceded by the Provinciale Omnium Ecclesiarum]. [Rome: Johann Besicken and Sigismundus Mayer, not before 11 August 1493]. ISTC ip00161000, GW M30181.
S Lot 131: Girolamo Savonarola, Revelatio de tribulationibus nostrorum temporum, Paris: Guy Marchant [for Jean Petit], 6 August 1496. ISTC is00177500, GW M40622.
S Lot 136: Taxae cancellariae apostolicae, [Rome: Johannes Schurener, de Bopardia, c. 1475]. ISTC it00049690, GW M45260.
St Paul’s Cathedral, London
S Lot 103: Missal. Use of Sarum. Paris: Jean Du Pré, for sale in London, 1 October 1502.
Durham Cathedral Library
S Lot 58: Guillelmus Duranti, Rationale divinorum officiorum, Strassburg: [Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg Husner)], 19 July 1493. GW 9137 = ISTC id00436000.
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich
S Lot 41: Breviarium Eystettense, [Würzburg: Georg Reyser, about 1484]. GW 5340 = ISTC ib01161300.
S Lot 76: Hymni de tempore et de sanctis, Deventer: Richardus Pafraet, [about 1486]. GW n0454 = ISTC ih00564500.
S Lot 76: Sequentiarius totius anni, [Cologne: Conrad Winters, de Homborch, about 1480] GW M4164710 = ISTC is00453520.
S Lot 138: Tertullianus, Apologeticus contra gentes, Milan: Uldericus Scinzenzeler, 4 Dec. 1493 GW M45647 = ISTC it00116900.
Scheide Library, Princeton University
S Lot 1: Adolphus, Episcopus Moguntinus, Copiae indulgentiarum de institutione festi Praesentationis beatae Mariae virginis concessarum, [Strassburg: Printer of Henricus Ariminensis], about 1472-73]. GW M27683 = ISTC ia00053570.
Princeton University Library
S Lot 6: Saint Antoninus, Confessionale, [Rome?: for Petrus Gundisalvi de Turre?, not after 9 August 1472?]. GW 2083 = ISTC ia00790000.
Prof. Toshi Takamiya (private collection), Japan)
S Lot 13: Biblia Latina, New Testament vol., Nuremberg, Koberger, 1493, ISTC ib00618000.
Houghton Library, Harvard
S Lot 128: Werner Rolewinck, De regimine rusticorum. [Cologne: Bartholomaeus de Unkel, not after 1481]. GW M38784 = ISTC ir00294000.
B Lot 332: Georgius Wicelius, Epitome romanarum pontificum, Cologne, Joannes Quentel, January 1549.
Universiteitsbibliotheek, Leuven
B Lot 148: Adrianus VI, Regule Ordinationes et Constitutiones. Utrecht: Jan Berntsz., [1522-1523] (8°: A-C8 D4, [28] ff.), not in Nijhoff/Kronenberg, STCN.