• ‘Eighteenth-century stationers and the distribution of Poor Law settlement certificates in East Kent’, Publishing History, vol. 86, 2022 [2023], pp. 5–27.  [pre-print pdf]
  • ‘Cashing in on a new invention: Aldus Manutius, italic type and small-format books’, A History of the Book in 20 Books from the Cathedral’s Collections, Canterbury Cathedral Library blog, no. 7, 2021.
  • ‘The Cathedral Library’s oldest printed item, printed in Gutenberg’s type’, A History of the Book in 20 Books from the Cathedral’s Collections, Canterbury Cathedral Library blog, no. 5, 2021. [Blog version]
  • ‘When was Canterbury Cathedral’s medieval library demolished?’, Archaeologia Cantiana, 142, 2021, pp. 321–326. [Download PDF]
  • ‘What happened to the sackbuts and cornetts at Canterbury Cathedral?’. Southern Early Music Forum Newsletter, March 2020, p. 5. [Blog]
  • (with Sarah Griffin) ‘William Somner and his books: provenance evidence for the networks of a seventeenth-century Canterbury antiquarian’, in: Kentish Book Culture: Writers, Archives, Libraries and Sociability c.1400–1660, edited by Claire Bartram, Peter Lang, 2020, pp. 233–285.
  • ‘Canterbury Cathedral Library’s five copies of the 1763 Baskerville Bible’, The Baskerville Society Newsletter, vol. 7, no. 1, April 2019.

  • ‘The Library’s five 1763 Baskerville Bibles’, Newsletter 59, Canterbury Cathedral Archives and Library, Summer 2019, pp. 10–11. [read online]

  • ‘The Book Trade comes of age: the sixteenth century’. Chapter 26, in: Companion to the History of the Book, second edition, ed. Simon Eliot and Jonathan Rose, Wiley-Blackwell, 2019. [pre-print online]
  • ‘Printed material in the Cathedral Archives’, Canterbury Cathedral Archive and Library Newsletter, 58, Winter 2018, p. 4–5. [Read online]

  • ‘John Mower, vicar of Tenterden in the late fifteenth century: his will, his career and his library’, The Library18 (2) (June 2017): 152–174. [Read online]
  • ‘Unlocking the Chest: financial record-keeping at Canterbury Cathedral in the late 17th century’, Cathedral Libraries and Archives Association Newsletter, Winter 2016, pp.21–22. [Blog]

  • ‘Cornetts and sackbuts in Canterbury Cathedral at the Restoration (1660)’. Southern Early Music Forum Newsletter, December 2016, p. 6. [Blog]

  • ‘The one-pull press and printing on half sheets’, Houghton Library Blog, 27 May 2016. [Link]

  • ‘The Revd Robert Hunt of Reculver and Jamestown, Virginia’, Canterbury Cathedral Archive and Library Newsletter, 55, October 2015, p. 3. [Blog]

  • ‘One book, five printers: Shared printing in early sixteenth-century Paris (Franciscus Lichetus, Commentaria, Paris, 1520)’,  Le Bulletin du bibliophile, 2013 no. 2, 267–288.
     [Download pre-print version]

  • ‘Canterbury Cathedral’s oldest printed item: Der Ackerman von Böhmen (1463)’, Picture This, Canterbury Cathedral Library and Archive, 1 January 2014. [Blog version]

  • ‘Binding fragment discoveries in Canterbury Cathedral Archives’, Cathedral Libraries and Archives Association Newsletter, Winter 2013, 5–6. [Download PDF]

  • ‘Italian incunables in  Canterbury Cathedral Library’, La Bibliofilia, CXV, i (2013) pp. 205–215.
    [Download PDF]

  • ‘The Chapter Library of Canterbury Cathedral during the Parliamentary Interregnum’,  Canterbury Cathedral Chronicle (Canterbury: 2013) pp. 26–29. [Download PDF]

  • ‘A unidentified French incunable: Sir John Mandeville, Le lapidaire en francoys, [Lyon, c.1495–1496]’, The Electronic British Library Journal, eBLJ (2012) article 6, pp.1–9.

  • ‘Lambeth Books – An Illustrated Lecture’, Canterbury Cathedral Archives and Library News, Newsletter 51, Autumn 2012, p. 4. (Review of lecture by Professor James Carley)

  • ‘Editions of the classics printed by the Officina Plantiniana in 24° format’, De Gulden Passer. Tijdschrift voor boekwetenschap, 89, no. 2 (2011) 249–255. [PDF file (785 KB)]

  • Virtual visits to lost libraries: reconstruction of and access to dispersed collections. Papers presented on 5 November 2010 at the CERL Seminar hosted by the Royal Library of Denmark, Copenhagen. Edited by Ivan Boserup and David J. Shaw. London: Consortium of European Research Libraries / Copenhagen: The Royal Library of Denmark (2011) (CERL Papers XI). [8] + 171 p. ISBN 978-0-9569996-0-3.

  • ‘Parochial libraries in Kent’, Library & Information History, 27, no. 4 (December 2011) 239–45. Print ISSN: 1758-3489. Online ISSN: 1758-3497. DOI 10.1179/175834911X13131454744950. [Pre-print version]
    A paper given at a conference on ‘Parochial Libraries: past, present & future’ in the Great Hall, Lambeth Palace, London, Monday 26 April 2010.

  • ‘Book trade practices in early sixteenth-century Paris : Pierre Vidoue (1516–1543)’, pp. 335–46 in: The Book Triumphant: Print in Transition in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, ed. Malcolm Walsby & Graeme Kemp. (Leiden: Brill, 2011). xvi + 378 pp. ISBN 9789004207233.

  • ‘Who owned this book? Provenance studies in the European dimension’, in: Summer School in the Study of Old Books: Proceedings, Zadar: Sceuciliste u Zadru / University of Zadar (2010), ISBN 978-953-7237-64-6, pp. 157–171; paper given at Summer School in Old Books, Department Of Library And Information Sciences, University Of Zadar, Croatia, September 2009. [download ebook]

  • ‘An English bookseller’s device used in Paris in c. 1512’, The Library, 7th series, 11, no. 4 (December 2010) 468–73. [Abstract]  [Full text (HTML)]   [Full text (PDF)]

  • Urban Networks and the Printing Trade in Early Modern Europe (15th-18th century). Papers presented on 6 November 2009 at the CERL Seminar hosted by the Royal Library of Belgium, Brussels. Edited by Renaud Adam, Ann Kelders, Claude Sorgeloos and David J. Shaw. London: Consortium of European Research Libraries (2010) (CERL Papers X). x + 142 p. ISBN 978-0-9541535-9-5.

  • ‘Two books from the library of Sir Hans Sloane’, Canterbury Cathedral Archives & Library News, Newsletter 47, Autumn 2010, pp. [4]–[5]. [Link]

  • Contributor to The Oxford Companion to the Book, edited by Michael F. Suarez and H.R. Woudhuysen. Oxford University Press (2010). 2 vols, lxv, 1327p. ISBN 978-0-19-860653-6.

  • Linking the worlds of script and print: catalogues of European manuscripts and early printed books. Papers presented on 7 November 2008, at the CERL Seminar hosted by the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, and Papers presented on 18 June 2009, at the CERL Seminar hosted by the Academic Library of Tallinn University. Edited by David J. Shaw. London: Consortium of European Research Libraries (2009). (CERL Papers IX). vi + 77p. ISBN 978-0-9541535-8-8.

  • Contribution to an edition of: Peter Forsskål, Thoughts on Civil Liberty / Tankar om borgerliga friheten (1759). Stockholm: Bokförlaget Atlantis, 2009. ISBN 73533607. [Edited and translated by David Goldberg, Gunilla Jonsson, Helena Jäderblom, Gunnar Persson and Thomas von Vegesack, assisted by David Shaw.]

  • Шоу, Давид, Масевич Андрей Цезаревич. Данные о провенансе старопечатных книг на вебсайте Европейских научных библиотек // Машиночитаемая каталогизация старопечатной книги: Материалы обучающих семинаров, прошедших в Российской национальной библиотеке в рамках сотрудничества с Консорциумом европейских научных библиотек (CERL) в 2006 – 2008 гг.. Saint-Petersburg, 2009. – p. 104–115. [(with Masevich Andrei Ts.): ‘Provenance information on the CERL website’. In: Machine readable cataloguing of old print books: materials of training workshops held in the National Library of Russia in cooperation with Consortium of European Research Libraries in 2006–2008. Saint-Petersburg: National Library of Russia, 2009. pp. 104–115.]

  • Script, print and the internet: the early-modern book and its readers. Papers presented on 9 November 2007 at the CERL Seminar hosted by the Universitetsbibliothek, Uppsala. Edited by David J. Shaw. London, Consortium of European Research Libraries, 2009 (CERL Papers VIII). vi + 73p. ISBN 978-09541535-7-1.

  • ‘Interpreting Europe’s printed cultural heritage: the rôle of the Consortium of European Research Libraries (il CERL e il patrimonio culturale del libro in Europa)’. In: «Navigare nei mari dell’umano sapere»: Biblioteche e circolazione libraria nel Trentino e nell’Italia del XVIII secolo, Atti del convegno di studio (Rovereto, 25–27 ottobre 2007), a cura di Giancarlo Petrella. Provincia autonoma di Trento, Soprintendenza per i beni librari e archivistici, 2008, 47–57.

  • ‘Pastor Joseph Mendhams bibliotek’ [The Library of the Reverend Joseph Mendham], Biblis 44, Vintern 2008/09, 45–55. [Original English text (PDF file)]
  • Imprints and owners: Recording the cultural geography of Europe.Papers presented on 10 November 2006 at the CERL Seminar hosted by the National Széchényi Library, Budapest. Edited by David J. Shaw. London: Consortium of European Research Libraries, 2007 (CERL Papers VII). v + 84p. 13-digit ISBN 978-0-9541535-6-4, 10-digit ISBN 0-9541535-6-1.

  • ‘Serialisation of Moll Flanders in The London Post and The Kentish Post, 1722’. The Library, 7th series, 8, no. 2 (June 2007) 182–192. ISSN: 0024-2160 (online version: 1744-8581). [Abstract] [PDF of full text]

  • ‘The Book Trade comes of age: the sixteenth century’. Chapter 16, pp. 220–231, in: Blackwell Companion to the History of the Book, ed. Simon Eliot and Jonathan Rose, Blackwell Publishing, 2007. ISBN: 9781405127653, ISBN10: 1405127651.

  • Many into one: Problems and opportunities in creating shared catalogues of older books. Papers presented on 11 November 2005 at the CERL conference hosted by the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Rome. Edited by David J. Shaw. London: Consortium of European Research Libraries, 2006 (CERL Papers VI). viii + 126 p. ISBN 0-9541535-5-3.

  • ‘Retail distribution networks in East Kent in the eighteenth century’. Pp. 197–205, in: Worlds of Print: Diversity in the book trade, edited by John Hinks and Catherine Armstrong. British Library & Oak Knoll Press, 2006. xiii + 240 pp. ISBN 0-7123-4937-5. (Paper given at the annual British Book Trade History conference, University of Edinburgh, July 2004).

  • Books and their owners: Provenance information and the European cultural heritage. Papers presented on 12 November 2004 at the CERL conference hosted by the National Library of Scotland. Edited by David J. Shaw. London: Consortium of European Research Libraries, 2005 (CERL Papers V). xiv + 104 pp. ISBN 0-9541535-3-7.

  • ‘An unrecorded STC item: Johannes de Garlandia’s Multorum vocabulorum equivocorum interpretatio, Paris, 1502’. The Library, 7th series, 5, no. 4 (December 2004) 359–69. ISSN: 0024-2160 (online version: 1744-8581).
    [Abstract]   [Full text (PDF)]

  • European Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age: Creation, Access and Preservation. Papers presented on 13 November 2003 at the CERL conference hosted by the National Library of Russia, St Petersburg. Edited by David J. Shaw. London: Consortium of European Research Libraries, 2004 (CERL Papers IV). viii, 64 p. ISBN 0-9541535-1-0.

  • ‘Introduction’. In: Books beyond frontiers: the need for international collaboration in national retrospective bibliography. Papers presented on 8 November 2002 at the Bibliopolis Conference on ‘The Future history of the book’ hosted by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague. Edited by David J. Shaw. London: Consortium of European Research Libraries, 2003 (CERL Papers III). x, 49 p. ISBN 0-9541535-2-9.

  • ‘French émigrés in the London booktrade to 1850’. Pp. 127–143 in: The London book trade: Topographies of print in the metropolis from the sixteenth century, edited by Robin Myers, Michael Harris and Giles Mandelbrote. Oak Knoll Press & The British Library, 2003, xvi, 185p. ISBN 0-7123-4832-8. (Paper given at a conference on the London booktrade, November 2002).

  • ‘Andreas Belfortis, first printer in Ferrara: a revised chronology of his output, 1471–1478’, La Bibliofilia, 105/1 (2003). pp. 3–25. ISSN: 0006-0941

  • (with Sarah Gray): Advanced rare books librarianship. Module DS36310 for the BSc Econ/Diploma in Information and Library Studies by Open Learning. University of Wales Aberystwyth. May 2003. ISBN 1 898831 80 7

  • ‘French-language publishing in London to 1900’. In: Foreign-language printing in London, 1500–1900, edited by Barry Taylor (Boston Spa & London: The British Library, 2002) 282 pages, 234 x 156 mm, 30 b/w ills, hardback. (pp. 101–22). ISBN 0-7123-1128-9. £30.00